Tuesday 19 July 2011

course module


Course Module

Subject: PHARMACOGNOSY-I Subject Code: PHM 1.1.3
Class: B.Pharmacy Semester -I Total Lectures: 36
Theory: 3 hr/week Practical: 4 hr/week
Lecturer: Mr. Mohit Mangla Phone: 09501058970
E-mail: mohitmangla@pcte.edu.in

The major objective of this subject to study the modern and advancement in Herbal Drug Resarch. The knowledge and deep understanding of Pharmacognosy helps a student to apply the knowledge in herbal pharmaceutical industry.
Teaching Methods:
Lectures, Tests, Assignments, Presentations and activities

Module Outline:

Lectures Topics
1. Definition, history, scope and development of Pharmacognosy
2. Classification of drugs: e.g. Alphabetical, morphological, taxonomical, chemical and pharmacological
3. Sources of drugs: Biological, marine, mineral and plant tissue cultures as sources of drugs.
4. Factors influencing cultivation of medicinal plants. Types of soils and fertilizers of common use
5. Pest management and natural pest control agents. Plant hormones and their applications
6. Polyploidy, mutation and hybridization with reference to medicinal plants.
7. Quality control of crude drugs: Adulteration of crude drugs and their detection by
organoleptic, microscopic, physical, chemical and biological methods of evaluation
8. -do-
9. Add.”Introduction to crude drug monograph and its importance in registration of herbal products.
10. An introduction to active constituents of drugs: Their isolation classification and properties – alkaloid, glycosides, terpenes, steroids and flavonoids
11. -do-
12. -do-
13. a) Carbohydrates and derived products: Agar, Guar gum, Acacia
14. Honey and Isabgol
15. Pectin and Starch
16. Sterculia and Tragacanth
17. Lipids: Bees wax, Castor oil, Cocoa butter, Cod-liver oil, Hydnocarpus oil, Kokum butter, Lard, Linseed oil, Rice-bran oil, shark liver oil and wool fat
18. -do-
19. -do-
20. Open book test
21. Apocynacae
22. Solanaceae
23. Rutaceae
24. Umbelliferae
25. Leguminosae
26. Rubiaceae
27. Liliaceae
28. Graminae
29. Libiatae
30. Cruciferae
31. Papaveraceae
32. Plant Cell: Its structure and non-living inclusions; mitosis and meiosis
33. Different types of plant tissues and their functions.
34. Morphology of root, stem, bark, wood, leaf, flower, fruit and seed.
35. Histology of root, stem, bark, wood, leaf, flower, fruit and seed.
36. Modification of root and stem.

Modes of Assessment:

Modes of Assessment Score
Assignment 10
Presentation 10
Mid semester exam 40
1st Hourly test 20
2nd Hourly test 20
Total marks 100

Books Recommended
1. Trease, G. E. and Evans, W.C. Pharmacognosy, Published by Elsevier, a Division of Reed Elsevier India
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Kokate, C.K., Purohit, A.P. and Gokhale, S.B Pharmacognosy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune.
3. Handa, S.S and Kapoor, V.K. Textbook of Pharmacognosy, Vallabh Prashan, New Delhi.
4. Medicinal Plants of India. ICMR, New Delhi.
5. Wallis, T.E. Textbook of Pharmacognosy, Fifth Edition, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
6. Tyler, V.C., Brady, L.R. and Robers, J.E. Pharmacognosy. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.

Topics for Presentation & Assignments
Classification of drugs: e.g. Alphabetical, morphological, taxonomical, chemical and pharmacological Lipids: Bees wax, Castor oil, Cocoa butter, Cod-liver oil, Hydnocarpus oil, Kokum butter, Lard, Linseed oil, Rice-bran oil, shark liver oil and wool fat
Sources of drugs: Biological, marine, mineral and plant tissue cultures as sources of drugs. Quality control of crude drugs: Adulteration of crude drugs and their detection by
organoleptic, microscopic, physical, chemical and biological methods of evaluation
Factors influencing cultivation of medicinal plants. Types of soils and fertilizers of common use Solanaceae
Pest management and natural pest control agents. Plant hormones and their applications Rutaceae
Polyploidy, mutation and hybridization with reference to medicinal plants. Umbelliferae
Plant Cell: Its structure and non-living inclusions; mitosis and meiosis; different types of plant tissues and their functions. Morphology and histology of root, stem, bark, wood, leaf, flower, fruit and seed. Modification of root and stem Leguminosae
Carbohydrates and derived products: Agar, Guar gum, Acacia, Honey, Isabgol, Pectin, Starch, Sterculia and Tragacanth Rubiaceae
Graminae Liliaceae

Pharmacognosy Practical
S.No. Name of experiment
1 To discuss introductory aspects of Pharmacognosy.
2 To study and discuss various parts of simple and compound microscope.
3 To perform various identification tests for carbohydrate.
4 To perform various identification test for oils and fats.
5 To perform various identification tests for given carbohydrate.
i Starch
ii Acacia
6 To perform various identification tests for lipids (castor oil and shark liver oil)
7 To perform chemical identification tests for given sample of lipids.
i Honey
ii Yellow Bees-wax
8 To study the vien islet and vein termination number of vinca leaf.
9 To study the stomatal number,stomatal index of vinca leaf.
10. To study the microscopic characters of Rauwolfia.
11 To study the macroscopic characters of Ashwagandha.
12. Preparation of Herbarium Sheet.

Instruction for students:
1. Assignment must neatly presented.
2. Late submission is not permissible and will attract minimum awards.
3. Presentation is compulsory.
4. Each group is assigned different subject for the presentation day.
5. The presentation day attendance is equivalent to 4 lectures.
6. The synopsis must be submitted one week before the presentation.
7. 75% attendance is mandatory, below this percentage; student will not be allowed to appear in the examination.
8. The student will record the details of practicals in the practical note book and get it checked every time from the instructor after the experiment has been completed.

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